Monthly Archives: August 2019

Sermon on Sunday, August 18, 2019

It was just about this time of the summer
that for a number of years
Jeanette and I were the directors for one of our
United Methodist Camps –
at a camp called Pocono Plateau.

I didn’t go to camp growing up –
I wish I had.
Camp is a great way to experience Christian Fellowship
It’s great for kids to get experiences of being away from home
and it’s often a place where faith grows by leaps and bounds

One of my favorite parts of directing camp
was the after dinner singing.
We sang all kinds of songs
silly songs
upbeat, fast songs
and I guess some slow serious ones.
One of the songs I learned
called for the playing of air guitars!

Do you know what an air guitar is?
Everyone has one –
and just about everyone can play one!

The air guitar song had easy words
love, love , love, just a little bit of love
(air guitar)
love, love, love just a little bit of love
well you don’t need a whole lot –
just use what ya got
Love, love, love just a little bit of love.

We’d use different words –
but the words that came to me as I thought
about our time together this morning
was Faith

Faith , Faith , Faith
Just a little bit of Faith
Faith , Faith, Faith
Just a little bit of Faith….
Well you don’t need a whole lot…
just use what ya got.
Faith Faith Faith just a little bit of faith.

Ok…you can put your air guitars away now.
No playing them the rest of the sermon!
I know it’s hard…but you can be disciplined!

You don’t need a whole lot
Just use what you got.

Our scripture passage this morning
is a part of what we call
the Hebrew hall of Faith Fame.

It starts out in Chapter 11 –
the lectionary for today starts at v 29
but I just can’t leave out the first verse.

“Faith is being sure of what we hope for
and certain of what we do not see”.

That’s a verse you should work on memorizing
or at least have it on a little card
and have it posted on your refrigerator
or bathroom mirror –

Faith is being sure….of what we hope for
and certain of what we do not see.

v. 29 says –
By Faith-
the people passed through the red sea as on dry land.

Now – we read that, and I am afraid we might gloss over it.
This was a big, big deal.
Have you ever tried to put yourself there
in your imagination?

The people were in trouble –
big trouble-
they had been slaves for generations
Moses had been chosen by God as their deliverer
the 10 plagues had happened –
nine times, Pharaoh had refused to let them go
but the 10th – the death of the first born of all of Egypt
had been the breaking point for pharaoh –

The Hebrews had all survived that –
they had covered their door posts with lambs blood
as God had commanded –
and the angel of death had passed over their homes
but all the rest of Egypt suffered
first borns we all killed –
imagine the horror –

pharaoh at last had said go –
and the people went out into the wilderness –
but then Pharaoh had hardened his heart –
and gone after them
with his army and all those chariots
and warriors and spears –
the people were backed up to the red sea
Pharaoh’s army on one side,
the sea on the other,
no escape,
sure and certain doom!

Moses was their leader.
What were they going to do?
God told Moses to raise his staff,
to spread out his arms
and the sea would divide!

Imagine the faith it took to do that.
Seemed impossible!
Oh, but my friend, our God, our God is
the God of the impossible.
When it comes to saving his people
our God can and will do anything

But imagine also the faith
it took for those first ones to step off the banks
and into the sea bed.
Yes – the waters had receded –
they were being held back
but what if they get to the middle
and they all start crashing in on them….

But with a big gulp
and maybe with an eye on those held back waters…
they stepped in
Might have been just as hard for the last people to
step off.
How long would this miracle last?
It would last as long as it took!
But did they know that?
Only by Faith.

And they took a step
and then another
and then another
going by faith all the way.

And God did not fail them!

Faith – faith, faith – just a little bit of faith
you don’t need a whole lot,
but use what ya got!

But wait…there’s more!
v. 30 –
By faith, the walls of Jericho fell.

You know that story – right!
God had brought them into the promised land
but they couldn’t just walk in and settle
There were already people there –
people, who, in the past , had sinned against God

There was this city of Jericho,
had a great big wall around it.
How were they ever going to overcome that obstacle!
No worries – God had a plan
But at first – it sounded like a crazy plan!

He sent the choir out first!
And then all the people.
Told them to march around the city seven times
for seven days
and on that last go round –
to give a mighty shout.

Oh man – did they feel silly doing that?
Sometimes God calls us to do some things
that – well – they might just not make sense to the world’s eyes.
But we don’t see with the world’s eyes, right –

What is faith?
You didn’t forget already did you?
You can flip back to verse 1 if you need to –
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see

God had a plan
They just had to follow it.
And they did
And the walls came a tumbling down!
By faith

you don’t need a whole lot –
just use what you got!

Oh – and the stories go on and on.
This book here –
this book here is full of them!
I recommend you read all about it!

The writer of Hebrews says –
I don’t have time to tell you about Gideon –
Barak Samson, Jepthahd, David
Samuel and the prophets –
Who through faith conquered kingdoms,
administered justice
and gained what was promised.

Oh the life of faith
takes you to a whole lot of places!
Sometimes it’s a battle
Sometimes it’s a protest
sometimes it’s an administration job – yes – that takes faith too.
Think it’s easy administering justice?
Sometimes it’s about being in want
and having to wait on what has been promised.

Remember last week –
we said – the Father has already given you the kingdom?
You might not have it in hand yet
but it’s yours
it’s coming!
But in the meantime, maybe you have to live by faith for a while.

Here in Hebrews it says –

by faith, folks shut the mouths of lions!
You might not have had a lion roaring at you
but you have had other stuff roaring at you
you have had other stuff threating you – right?

Quenched the fury of the flames,
escaped the edge of the sword.

You ever feel like you are about to lose it all?
Facing down the flames?
Got a sword coming at you

What are you going to do?
Don’t try calling the Ghost busters –
they are not really going to help you!
Don’t call the Ghost busters
Call on the Holy Ghost!
Call on God
Live by Faith!

Oh – I love this next part –
again – underline it!
I’ve read this chapter lots and lots of times
but I confess, I did not have this sentence underlined –
but its underlined now –
might be just the best part
“Whose weakness was turned to strength”

Oh my!
Isn’t that just the promise we need?
Weakness turned to strength

We got all kinds of challenges before us
We wonder – how’s it all going to come together
We believe in the Lord
We believe he has a bright future for us
We believe there is work he has for us to do
but when we look at what is before us
and we look at who we are
we wonder how it’s going to happen

Weakness turned to strength
Faith comes in when we know the job before us
is more than we can handle on our own.
Yes indeed.
Sometimes we dream too small
Sometimes we back away
because we just can’t fathom what to do

We forget we belong to a great and awesome God
We forget that God has a plan
We forget that God has already given us the kingdom
We forget that our weakness is turned to strength in him.

But we gotta step off the shore line and into the sea bed.
We have to face that wall that is before us
We have to stand before the lion before we can shut its mouth.
We have to stand up against injustice, in order to administer justice.

Weakness is turned to strength
By Faith!

How much faith?

Oh – what did Jesus say????
Who remembers?
If you have but the faith of a mustard seed…
that will be enough to move a mountain!
Yes! My God said that!
And My God does not lie.
He speaks the truth
and He has the power to back it up.

You don’t need a whole lot!
Just use what ya got!
Faith, Faith Faith!
Just a little bit of Faith.

Gotta get to the end of the passage.
Chapter 12.
Therefore…oh what have I told you about
when you see therefore?
Pay attention right – because it’s there for a reason.
since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses –
let us throw off everything that hinders
and the sin that so easily entangles
and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

We all have stuff before us folks.
There is stuff before our church.
Not everything is perfect
We are not yet all that God has called us to be and
we have not yet done all that God has called us to do.
That’s true of every church.

We have stuff in our personal lives.
We have challenges.

We have things that frighten us
We have things that overwhelm us
We have situations that we don’t see a way out of.
Pharaoh’s army is on one side,
the sea is on the other.
What are we going to do?
What must we have?
Trust in a God who is faithful,
hang on because God has a way.
Do what he calls us to do.
Even if it does not quite make sense
even it is shouting against a wall
if God wills it, that wall will come down.

But you gotta have faith
You don’t need a whole lot
But use what you got!
Don’t give up my friend
God is with you.
God has a plan. Live it out.

Faith is the victory – that overcomes the world!

Sermon on Sunday, August 11, 2019

When we were little we played
Hide and seek –
You probably did too.
Someone would be “it” – the person who would do
the hunting –
that person would have to cover their eyes
and count –
sometimes to 50, sometimes to 100
and everyone else would run and hide –
hopefully to a good spot where they would not be discovered
too quickly.
When the counter got to whatever number he or she
was counting to…
they would holler out – what?
“ready or not, here I come”.

I don’t know how that game ever
got started
or how the rules ever got established
I guess the ready or not phrase
was a kind of warning
I’m coming –
hope you are ready!
But even if you are not, I’m a comin’ anyway!

One day, friends,
Jesus is coming back
did you know that?
Do you believe it?
We don’t know the hour
we don’t know the day
But we know he is coming.
He’s promised it –
and Jesus is always true to his promises!

We don’t know the hour
we don’t know the day
but one thing we do know about today
is that we are one day closer
than we were yesterday!

He is coming back
to his children who remain on earth
back to his heavenly kingdom.

If we believe in Christ –
if we have trusted in him as our savior
we are going to be called home –
one way or another
either with our death –
or when he comes to take everyone alive that believes home.
But he is coming
ready or not

And I don’t know about you…
but I want to be ready!

In our gospel reading for this morning
from Luke 12, v. 35
Jesus is telling his followers –
first the 12 – and then all who would come after them –
Be dressed –
and ready for service
Keep your lamps burning!

When we were in youth group
we used to sing
Give me oil for my lamp
keep me burning burning burning….

Jesus uses two illustrations
first –
be dressed and ready for service –
keep your lamps burning…
like men waiting for their master to return
from a wedding banquet
so that when he comes and knocks..
they can immediately open the door for him…

Jesus is referring to a custom of the day.
At some point, during the wedding feast
an especially appointed friend of the groom
would escort the bride back to the bridal chambers.
He was called the shashabin.
It was his job to keep the bride safe –
because sometimes brides had been kidnapped
and carried off in the confusion of the wedding celebration.
Once she was safely inside,
the shashain would stand outside, and guard the door –
until there came the unmistakable sound of the bridegroom –
as they were close friends – they would know one another.

Interestingly, John the Baptist identified himself in
John 3:29 as Jesus’ groomsman – the shashabin –
Jesus the groom – and the church – us – as the bride
waiting for the groom to come.

In this particular parable it’s not just the shashabin –
but a whole group of servants who are waiting for the master –
and all are being watchful –
all are ready for his return

Jesus notes that it might be a long time that they have to wait
even into the second or third watch of the night.
Jesus’s disciples didn’t know when he was returning
they thought it would be during their lives
The years have marched on.
We still think Jesus is coming –
although I don’t know how many of us
think he is coming in our lifetime.
But the point is…he could
it could be that none of us here
will have to die.
We might just be taken up one day
to glory
but if that does not happen
then we know we will die –
and none of us knows when that day will be either

Either way, we want to be ready.
So…how do we get ready?
Or rather – how do we stay ready.

First, I would say –
always make sure you are right with God.
If you have not yet affirmed in your heart that he is your lord –
do that today.
And if you have, make sure that all is well between you
and God.
Don’t let there be any lingering sin in your life.
If you are sinning in a particular area – stop it!
Don’t let it keep hurting you
Don’t let it keep distracting you
Don’t let it keep holding you back.

Make sure you are loving God –
every day.
Worshiping him, praising him, thanking him.
Draw as close to God as you can
Read and meditate on His word.
Spend time in prayer.

At the same time, make sure you
are always right with others.
We have to take care of our vertical
relationship with God first –
but that vertical relationship
can’t be all that it can be
if you are having trouble with your horizontal relationships
with your family
with your friends
with your neighbors
with the people you share life with.

Don’t let there be any bad feelings.
If you have wronged someone, ask for their forgiveness.
If you have done something wrong, do what you can to make it right
if someone has wronged you
be quick to forgive them – even if they don’t ask for forgiveness
set your heart right – forgive them anyway.

Commit yourself to doing the right thing
I know that God has already placed in your heart
what the right thing to do is.
Always choose the loving way.
Always choose the way of Christ
in all your relationships.

Don’t put off doing what Christ has called you to do.
All of you are his servants
He has given you gifts –
he has called you into service –
maybe with in the church
maybe with in the community
maybe with in your family
Maybe something just between you and God.

If you don’t know what that is
find out.
Ask God
Search his word
talk with others

But my guess is you may already know
the spirit has already been at work with your spirit.
All that remains is for you to say yes –
well – not just say yes – but get going on it

At the beginning of the passage
Jesus has said –
Do not be afraid, little flock.
For your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.

I don’t know why we are such fearful people
but we are
time and time again
the scriptures keep telling us –
do not be afraid
fear not
Stop your worrying
Stop your fretting
trust in God.

God has got you.
He has already given you the kingdom.
You don’t have to live in worry.
Sell your possessions he says –
give to the poor
Provide purses for yourselves that won’t wear out
let your treasure be in heaven –
there it will not be exhausted
no thief can steal it
no moth can destroy it

be ready
don’t be grasping so tightly
to the things of this earth
that you can’t open yourself to the things of God.

Jesus the switches the metaphor –
starts a new parable
we leave the bridegroom and servants…

Jesus says –
if an owner of a house knew what time a thief was coming,
he would not let his house be broken into.
He says –
You must always be ready –
because the Son of Man will come at an hour
when you do not expect him.

That’s why we know that anyone
who is predicting that the world will end
and that Jesus will come at such and such a time
has to be wrong.

Jesus said he will come when he is not expected.
That is why
Our regular ordinary life
has to be a life that is right with him.
So that no matter when he comes
we are ready
If he ends our earthly life
if we breath our last here on earth
it’s OK.
We are ready.
There is nothing we have left undone.

If he appears in the clouds
and the trumpet blows
and we are caught up with him
it’s OK.
We are ready
There is nothing we have left undone.

Start each day
asking God –
what would you have me do this day
I am yours.
I will live as you have called me to live
I will love as you have called me to love
I will serve as you have called me to serve
I will witness as you have called me to witness
I will keep the oil in my lamp
I will keep the fire burning brightly.
I will give to those in need
I will confront evil
I will seek to give you glory in all things.

And then as you have prayed it, live it.
So that when you lay down at night
you can sleep in peace
If you go to heaven in the night,
you will know that God will greet you and say
well done, my good and faithful servant.
If there is a terrible accident when you leave church
we will grieve your passing
but we will know that you have lived a life well lived
that did what he called you to do.

Let there be no regrets, friends.
Live for Jesus.

Could not help but think of an old hymn
Living for Jesus

Living for Jesus a life that is true,
Striving to please Him in all that I do;
Yielding allegiance, glad-hearted and free,
This is the pathway of blessing for me.

O Jesus, Lord and Savior,
I give myself to Thee,
For Thou, in Thy atonement
Didst give Thyself for me;
I own no other Master,
My heart shall be Thy throne,
My life I give, henceforth to live,
O Christ, for Thee alone.
2 Living for Jesus who died in my place,
Bearing on Calv’ry my sin and disgrace;
Such love constrains me to answer His call,
Follow His leading and give Him my all.
3 Living for Jesus wherever I am,
Doing each duty in His holy name;
Willing to suffer affliction and loss,
Deeming each trial a part of my cross.
4 Living for Jesus through earth’s little while,
My dearest treasure, the light of His smile;
Seeking the lost ones He died to redeem,
Bringing the weary to find rest in Him.

Be ready.

Sermon on Sunday, August 4, 2019

It seems there is always somebody
Not happy about something.
Can I get a witness to that?
Can somebody somewhere say amen!

There is always somebody
Not happy about something.
Often, where ever Jesus was,
There was a crowd.
People liked to hand out with him –
Maybe because you just never knew what was going to happen.

I mean there were some pretty amazing healings
People who were deaf were healed and able to hear
People who were blind were healed and could see
People who had leprosy were healed and were cleansed
People who could not walk were healed and could walk!

The bread and fish miracles were popular
From just a few loaves and a few fish
Everyone had enough to eat
And that’s not even taking in to account
Water being changed to wine –
Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that.

There were also the wonderful teachings of Jesus.
He taught like no other
He had an authority from God that was like no other
He had insights
And great stories.
So yes, there was often a crowd about.

On this particular day there were a lot of people
The opening of Luke chapter 12 says –
That a crowd of many thousands had gathered…

Can you imagine that?
The first verse says there were so many
People were trampling one another.
All crowding in to hear Jesus
Or see what he would do.

At one point
Someone in the crowd yells out to Jesus…
“:Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance
With me”.

Hmm – what is behind that?
It may well be that the parent had followed
The old custom of letting the first son
Inherit all.
There was a time when things were not divided evenly
Among all the children
The first born had all the rights.

The family property, the family money – even the family status
All went to the eldest son.
Now, if you were the first born – that was a pretty good deal
If you were the second , or third…or fourth…or…however
Far down the line you want to go
That does not seem like such a good thing
One in that situation would want to yell out –
That’s not fair!

When I was in Lancaster County
Where every small town has fair sometime in the summer
And kids said “that’s not fair”
Parents would say – you are right.
The fair comes just one week a year
And this is not that week!

This younger sibling was wanting the
Brother to share the wealth
And was appealing to Jesus to make a ruling –
It was not unusual to come to a rabbi to settle a family dispute

But Jesus does not seem to want to be drawn
Into the family squabble –
He replies –
Who appointed me a judge between you?
This seems an odd reply to me.
Jesus, we know, was concerned about justice.
He was concerned about relationships.
Why not appeal to him?

But Jesus, at least that day
Seems to want to take a broader approach.
Because after putting off the one complaining,
He says –
Watch out!
Be on your guard
Against all kinds of greed.
A man’s life does not consist in the abundance
Of his possessions.

Oh what a thing to say!
And yes…most of us would agree with him
In our minds….
But what about when it comes to our hearts?
What about when it comes to how live….
And what we possess?

Uh oh….be careful now preacher –
You are getting close to meddling!
It’s not me folks…its Jesus.
And it’s not just your life he’s meddling in…
It’s mine too.

Jesus tells a parable –
We call it the parable of the rich fool.

The ground of a certain rich man produced
A good crop.
Now – let’s observe right here…that it’s not just any man
But a rich man – its someone who already has a lot of success
Someone who already has a lot of money –
And we can assume – a lot of possessions.

It’s not a poor man – but a rich man.
And, it seems to his surprise – that he has an extra good year.
Not only have his fields produced
What he needed to maintain his comfortable life
Not only have his fields produced
What he counted on –
But he had what they called a “bumper year”
More than he was counting on
More than he needed
More even than he could store away.

The man thinks to himself – what shall I do?
I have no place to store my crops.

And then he says
This is what I will do.
I will tear down the barns I have
And build bigger ones
And there I will store everything I have
And then I will be able to say to myself –
Take it easy!
Eat, drink and be merry!

Now, let’s pause here a moment.
It seems God has blessed this one.
For…who controls the rain?
After the farmer has done all he or she can do
Some of it is just up to the kind of year you have
How the soil is
How the rains come
How much sunshine….not too much, not too little
There are a lot of variables.
But this one…does not seem to take God
Into account.
Jesus does not say the man had a great year
And so he blessed God
He gave thanks to God.

No, this one, it seems is pretty self- centered.
Listen to all the personal pronouns.
What shall I do
I have no place to store the crops
This is what I will do
I will tear down
I will say to myself…
Nine or so personal pronouns in just a couple of sentences.

One of the hall marks of greed
Is that the focus is always just on you.
Your concern is for you.
Not only do you want to have enough
You want to have more than enough.
When you get enough, suddenly, what is enough has changed
You always want more.

The man has so much he has to tear down his barn
And build a bigger barn.
Think how much that is going to cost?
It’s like saying…
I want another car.
No – I NEED another car.
Funny how our wants turn into needs in our heads.
But I only have room for the cars I have.
Guess I will have to build another garage.
Oh – but I don’t have enough property
Guess I will have to build a bigger property
Or…if you did have enough property
And you build a nice garage=
The garage looks nicer than the house now
Can’t have that –
So you build a bigger house.

And then you need a better lawn mower
And then you need to hire someone because what
You have is more than you can take care of …

And on and on it can go..
You get the picture.

When we don’t trust God
We will always fear the future
We will always try to keep grabbing for more.
Just in case.

How quickly our wants turn into our needs.
And it seems to be more that way
As time goes on.
As I was reading for this message
I read that in 1900 people Identified
75 major wants….and 18 of those things were considered
By people to be needs.
Now, people identify 500 major wants
And 100 of those are considered needs!
Enough is never enough.

Remember how God provided manna
In the wilderness for the Israelites?
Do you remember the instructions they received.
Go and gather just what you need for the day.
On the eve of the Sabbath – gather enough for two days
Because you are not to work on the Sabbath.
But the people who were afraid there might not be
Enough to go around – and that they had better
Grab what they could while they could…
Do you remember what happened to their extra manna?
It quickly went bad! The jars got full of maggots…yuk.

The man wants to “eat drink and be merry”

That is an oft misquoted line from the bible.
I’ve heard it offered as a toast –
Let us eat drink and be merry!
Isn’t that what God wants for us?
Oh but that is taking this out of context…

Because look what God says to the man
You fool. This very night your life will be
Demanded from you.
Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?

Jesus says…this is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself, but is not rich toward God.

Ah – and therein lies the point of this parable.
It’s not railing against the rich.
There is nothing wrong with being rich.
There is nothing wrong with owning stuff
The problem happens when your stuff owns you,
Rather than you owning you stuff.

Did you get that?
The problem happens when your stuff starts to own you
Rather than you owning your stuff
Or…even better…
The problem happens when you start thinking
All that you have belongs to you—
Rather than on loan to you from God.

What would have been the godly response
Of the rich man
When he had the bumper crop?
He already has what he needed
More than he needed, really.
Why not bless others with the abundance?
Why not give it away
Instead of hording it?

We’ve got to watch out, friends, for greed.
Early on the church identified it
As one of the deadly sins.
Greed leads to death
Greed makes it all about us
Rather than about God
Rather than about others.

Greed encumbers us rather than freeing us.
We can want so much and take so much
That we can’t deal with it all.
It really does own us instead of us it.

We trust in ourselves
Rather than in God
We get confused with what is important
Better to be rich with God than rich with things.
It’s good to invest your money
It’s even better to invest in the things of God.

John Wesley had a famous sermon on the
Christian use of money.
His motto was earn all you can
So that you can save all you can…
So that you can give all you can.

If God has given you the ability to make lots of money
Great! Enjoy it.
But don’t keep it all to yourself.
Think of all the good you can do.
Think of all the ministry you can support
Think how much relief you can bring to those who are I need.

Watch out how much stuff you own.
Make sure it does not own you.
Many of us could probably give away
A lot of our stuff and still have what we need.

I confess…I have too much stuff.
I need to deal with that.
Maybe you do too.

And I know I need to think about
What I am giving and what I am keeping to myself.

We can be rich in all those things
God’s given it to us for a reason.
And it’s not to keep it to ourselves.
But to use it to his glory.

Think on this friends.
Ask God what he would have you do.
And do it.
